In early June of 1992 Bryan Small with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science was looking for fossils in the Garden Park Fossil Area when he found a neck bone of a Stegosaurus.
Here are the articles on Stones ‘n’ Bones Programs
Dall DeWeese and the Diplodocus
Dall DeWeese first became familiar with dinosaur excavation in the late 1880’s. He was interested in the outdoors and in 1915 he found dinosaur bones.
Marsh Felch Dinosaur Quarry
Contact Dan Grenard at [email protected] to schedule this program. The program requires a screen and projector. Dan provides powerpoint and other materials.
Fossil Boot Camp Program
FCSnB has developed the fossil box program to tie in with Colorado curriculum standards. We hope to include field trips in the future. Younger students in Pueblo and Cañon City are treated to scaled down versions of Boot Camp
Dino Digger Tools
This is a powerpoint type presentation with some supportive hands on materials and is geared toward the 4th or 5th grade level utilizing document camera type equipment available in most Fremont County classrooms.
Bones & Beasts
This presentation geared for 4th graders will use modern skulls and bones to help us understand fossil bones. A wide range of modern skulls and bones will provide a basic understanding
Long Necks – Long Tails
This program is under the direction of Dr. Mildred Wintz and it is both fun and very lively. Dan Grenard, Mary Chamberlain, and Cindy Smith may assist with this presentation.